How to Bottle Your DIY Skincare Products

If you love homemade skincare products, this article will help you get set up with packaging to store your creations.

Let's talk about some types of glass cosmetic containers you need, which cosmetic products they work best with, and what color of cosmetic bottles you might like.  

Several Types of Cosmetic Conatiners


Bamboo Cream Jar 


Sprayer Mist Bottle



Dropper Bottle


Bamboo Cream Jar: Scrubs, masks, herbal blends, powdered cleansers, balms, face cream, body lotion

Sprayer Mist Bottle: Toner, body spray, hair mist, sunscreen spray

Essential Oil Dropper Bottle: Serum, essential oil

Lotion Bottle: Massage oil, body oil, lotion


Clear Glass Bottles/Jars

Aesthetically, clear glass is a good choice if you like to see what's inside, especially if you're infusing beautiful herbs. Just make sure you take care of your product and keep it out of direct sunlight. If you opt for clear glass, store your products in a dark cabinet. 

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Dark Glass Bottles/Jars
To help your product last longer, dark glass bottles are a good choice, especially for formulations containing essential oils or unrefined vegetable oils. Dark bottles block sunlight and uv rays, which can damage your product. Dark amber is considered the most effective, followed by cobalt blue. But considering your product is stored indoors anyway, the difference is pretty small. Choose the color of the bottle that you think is most attractive. If you plan to leave the bottle on the bathroom counter, choose the color you like.

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About Us

Nayi is a professional manufacturer of glass packaging for cosmetic products, we are working on kinds of cosmetics glass bottle, such as essential oil bottle, cream jar, lotion bottle, perfume bottle and the related products. We provide an extensive range of product families and a comprehensive selection of sizes within them. We also offer matching lids and caps to complement bottles/jars, including specialty compression moulded caps that offer greater weight, rigidity, and anti-corrosion properties. We provide a one-stop shop where you can source all the elements you require for your multi-product brand line. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us. 

About Packaging


Post time: 9月-30-2021
+86-180 5211 8905